
Retirement Villages' Residents' Council

Our objectives

About us

Our objectives

Effective communication and engagement

To promote effective communication and engagement between residents, management, Retirement Village Association members, and relevant stakeholders, by facilitating open dialogue, establishing regular channels of communication, and encouraging active partcipation. This will create an inclusive environment where opinions and concerns can be addressed, and ideas can be shared.

Support and advocacy

Support and advocate for the implementation of best practices that enhance the quality of life for retirement village residents. The Council will actively seek opportunities to contribute to policy development, advocate for residents' interests, and engage with relevant authorities, particularly with respect to any legislative review of the Retirement Villages Act, associated regulations, and Code of Practice.


Emphasise that the interests of residents should be at the heart of every decision made by retirement village stakeholders and seek resident input in key matters, and actively represent residents' viewpoints and concerns.

Act as a conduit

Act as a conduit between residents, management and Retirement Village Association members, and other stakeholders to effectively address policy concerns and disseminate information by facilitating constructive dialogue, sharing relevant information, and fostering collaborations to address common issues.


The Council will actively engage in discussions, propose solutions, and seek opportunities for positive change on issues that affect retirement village residents.

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